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User's Guide

Transport and storage

The packaging is designed to protect the product from the usual levels of physical impact during transport. Be careful to avoid effects other than these.

The packaging of the product is not water, flame and heat resistant and only moderately pressure resistant. Therefore, do not keep the box in a humid environment, out of the reach of heat-emitting equipment, or place heavy objects on it.



The package includes the device and its accessories.


  1. Open the box.
  2. Remove the product.
  3. Remove the retaining insert to protect the device.
  4. Remove the accessories below.

Contents of the package

Device 1 tracking device
Charger 1 charger
1 copy of installation guide

Preparing the SIM card

As with mobile phones, a SIM card is required to operate the device. The device communicates with the mobile service provider's network via SIM card, SMS or mobile phone or PC applications.

You can purchase the card independently from your mobile service provider or, in the case of a software subscription, from your product distributor. If you received the SIM card from your dealer, you do not need to make any settings: the card is already set up, inserted in the device, switched on and ready for use.

If you have received the SIM card from your dealer, do not try to transfer it to another device (eg phone) and use it! The distributor (service provider) will reimburse the resulting costs or the correction of the resulting errors.

Settings for your SIM card

If you did not obtain the SIM card from your tracking device vendor, you must set it up before inserting and using it in the device, which you can do as follows.

Disable SIM card PIN and other functions

  1. Insert the SIM card in your phone.
  2. Among the setting functions of the phone
  3. turn off the PIN code request, auto-reply and call forwarding options.

After turning off the above, insert the card into the tracking device. See the next section for instructions on how to insert the SIM card.


Setting up data traffic

If you want to operate the device not only via SMS, but also e.g. If you use the software tracking service provided by your dealer, you must activate GPRS (Internet) data traffic and enter the appropriate network settings. To do this, you must send SMS messages from your phone to the phone number of the SIM card inserted in the tracking device, as shown in the table below.

The factory-set access password for the tracking device in the commands: 123456

Setting SMS content Device response
Turn on GPRS data traffic gprs123456 GPRS ok
Setting APN name apn123456 APN-name apn ok
APN names for domestic service providers: Telenor: online or net
Telekom: internet
- in case of subscription:
- in the case of a top-up card:
Digi: internet
If your mobile network provider has not provided you with an APN username and password, you do not need to send the following SMS messages to the tracking device!
APN username apnuser123456 APN-username apnuser ok
APN password apnpasswd123456 APN-password apnpasswd ok


Inserting the SIM card

Only nano-sized SIM cards can be used with this product.

Insert the SIM card into the device as follows:

Insert SIM card


  1. Open the cover of the SIM card slot.
  2. Insert the card into the slot.
  3. Insert the card in the correct position.
  4. Close the protective cover.

The device switches on automatically when you insert the SIM card, and switches it off when you remove it.

Installing and accessing an application

In order to operate the device and other services based on it, the distributor provides mobile and computer applications in the subscription system. The PC program is accessible via a browser at, and you can install the phone application on your phone in one of the following ways:

For Android phones

  1. Open the Google Play app on your phone.
  2. Search for “Flexcom” or “Flexcom tracking” on Google Play.
  3. Install the tracking application.


  1. Scan the QR code shown here with your phone.
  2. Open the web address decoded from this.
  3. Install the Flexcom tracking application.

For iPhones

Use the browser on your phone to access the service (


Use of the product

User interface

The connectors and controls of the device are located at both ends, under a protective cover, and on one side of the microphone.

User interface

LED display statuses

Display Status
Battery (red) Flashes quickly Low voltage
On Charging
Off Charged
GSM/GPRS (green) On No GSM connection
Flashes once per second Mode: GSM
Flashes two per second Mode: GSM with satellite connection
Flashes three per second Mode: GSM with excellent satellite connection
Flashes slowly, once every three seconds Mode: GPRS
Flashes slowly, two every three seconds Mode: GPRS with satellite connection
Flashes slowly, three times every three seconds Mode: GPRS with excellent satellite connection

Charging the battery

The device is powered by a built-in battery, which must be charged at different intervals depending on the intensity of use. Connect the AC adapter to the device with the supplied USB cable.

Charging the battery

Charging takes approx. It takes 7-9 hours, during which time the red LED on the charge lights up continuously and goes out after charging. If the battery does not fully charge, unplug the charger and reconnect it after 10 minutes.

If possible, use the original factory charger and cable provided with the product for charging. If not, it has 2A at 5V - usually newer phones have adequate chargers. The USB cable must be capable of transmitting at least 2.5A.

Micro USB connector

The USB connector is primarily used to update the device's firmware and make settings instead of SMS commands - these are only recommended for experts. It is also suitable for recharging the internal battery.

Operation of the device

The device can be operated in the following ways:

  1. using the software service provided by the distributor and the SIM card together, in addition to the software service provided by the distributor but using his own SIM card, or
  2. without the service provider's software service, with your own SIM card.

The service provider provides a SIM card for the tracking device only if you subscribe to the software service. In the case of unsolicited use of the software, the user must provide the appropriate card with a data traffic limit (also).

With Distributor Software and SIM Card

In this case, you can receive the device in the ready state, no further settings are required to use it.

Separate software is available for setting or adjusting the operating parameters of the device, for retrieving information or for using more advanced services (eg map route display, waiting and travel points, diagrams, timetable, etc.). This is provided by the distributor in the form of a downloadable application on a desktop and tablet browser on an Android mobile phone as part of a subscription system.

To use the software, an active internet connection is required on your device (mobile phone, computer).

The software stores and processes the data sent by the tracking device to the service provider's center, from which the graphical and textual information is generated. Using the software triggers (sometimes very expensive) SMS and voice call communication with the device and provides tracking and security services that go well beyond the basic functions of the device.

After launching the application in a browser or phone:

  1. In the login window, enter the username and password you received in the email from the distributor or registered on its website.
  2. In the interface that appears, select Help and review the information for using the software.
  3. Software management information is available in its help.

With Distributor software but with own SIM card

After setting up and inserting the SIM card as described in the setup chapter, you must register the card. To do this, contact your software service provider (device vendor). From now on, the operation of the device is the same as described in the previous chapter.

Without software, with own SIM card

If you have subscribed to the reseller's software service, DO NOT use the standalone SMS communication method because

  • redundant (the software has all the functions needed for tracking and settings),
  • the software provider charges a separate fee for the possible elimination of possible operational anomalies caused by SMS commands,
  • if you use your own SIM card in the device, SMS will incur extra costs,
  • if you use your service provider's SIM card, your service provider will reimburse you for the cost of the SMS.

If you do not use (have not subscribed) to the software service provided by the dealer, you can only use the basic functions of the device - by sending SMS messages from your mobile phone to the phone number of the device's SIM card.


Setting options via software

A készülék működtetéséhez a Flexcom Kft saját fejlesztésű nyomkövető szoftvert is biztosít. A működést befolyásoló, a készülék telefonos SMS üzenetek útján elérhető gyári alapfunkcióit lefedő, de egyben azt lényegesen meg is haladó beállítási lehetőségeket a szoftver Beállítások, Parancsok és Riasztások funkciói biztosítják.

A beállítások és a kiadható parancsok a készülék típusától függenek. A konkrét lehetőségeket a szoftver a konkrét készülékhez igazítva bocsátja rendelkezésre. Erről további információkat a szoftver használati útmutatójában talál.

A készüléket más szolgáltató szoftverével is használhatja - ekkor az ebben a fejezetben leírtak helyett annak a szoftvernek a protokollját kell figyelembe vennie!

A Flexcom Kft asztali vagy mobiltelefonos alkalmazásának használata esetén a nyomkövetéssel kapcsolatos beállítási műveletek az alábbi módokon érhetők el.

Asztali alkalmazás használata esetén:

Válassza ki a kívánt készüléket a térképen vagy a menüben.

A Beállítások vagy Parancsok feliratú gombra kattintva kiválaszthatja a kívánt általános beállítást vagy működést.
Parancsok és beállítások asztali alkalmazás esetén

Mobil alkalmazás használata esetén:

Az alkalmazás menüjében válassza a Térkép menüpontot. Térkép választása
Váltson át az Eszközök panelre. Eszközök opció
Keresse meg az eszközök listájában a készüléket és koppintson az azonosító mellett levő Beállítás ikonra. Szerkesztés
Válassza ki a kívánt beállítást vagy parancs küldése esetén a Parancsok menüpontot. Parancsok funkció


Control the device with SMS commands sent from a mobile phone

The factory-set access password for the tracking device in the commands: 123456


General settings

Function Description SMS message Device response
Factory default setting Reset the device to factory settings.


Begin Ok
Change password Change the factory default password (123456).

password<old password> <new password>

For example: password123456 876543
The password must be a 6-digit Arabic number.

If you have subscribed to and use the reseller's software service, do not change the default factory password!

Password OK
Administrator phone number After setting the administrator phone number (s), the device only accepts calls and SMS commands from this number (s) and sends alerts to this phone number (s). Up to 5 such phone numbers can be set on the machine. After setting the first phone number, further ones can only be entered with SMS sent from this number.

admin123456 phone number

For example: admin123456 0036709876543
Use to enter the phone number
country code prefix (eg 0036, Hungary).

Admin Ok
Delete administrator phone number Delete a previously set administrator phone number.

noadmin123456 phone number

For example: noadmin123456 003612345678

Admin Ok
Setting time zone The device default time zone is set to GMT + 0. This is changed (eg in the case of Hungary, the time zone is GMT + 1), as follows.

timezone123456 value wher value: eg. +1, -2, 
0 etc.).

For example: time zone123456 +1 (Hungarian time zone

Time Ok
Query device status Querying the operating data and status of the device.


The device communicates via SMS the external power supply, battery voltage level, the status of GPS and GSM connections, etc.
Query IMEI number Retrieve the IMEI of the device.


The IMEI number of the device.
Redirect messages Forward third-party messages received on the device's SIM card to the administrator's phone (eg SMS received from the SIM card provider).

forwardi123456 <third party phone number>

Forward Ok
Switch between SMS / GPRS mode Switch between controlling your device via SMS or an Internet connection. The factory default mode is SMS.


Reduced GPRS mode By setting it, the device switches to reduced (economy) GPRS mode 5 minutes after the vehicle is stopped. It has switched to full operation again for an alarm or to start the vehicle.

less gprs123456 on

Less gprs on Ok
Full GPRS mode Switch back from reduced GPRS mode.

less gprs123456 off

Less gprs off Ok
Restart the device Restart the GPS and GSM modules of the device.


Reset Ok


Query the position of the device

Description Device response
Call the phone number of the device's SIM card from your phone.

After receiving the call, the device cancels it and then sends the data back in an SMS message: latitude and longitude, current speed, time and link, which, when clicked / tapped, will display the device's indicator on the Google map in our phone's browser.

If the device cannot connect to GPS satellites (eg inside a building or in another shaded area), use the cell information of the GSM transmission towers to determine its position (LBS, Location Based Service). Its accuracy depends largely on the distance from the towers and the mobile network coverage.

Device information


Automatic tracking

You can set your device to send position data continuously under certain conditions.

Any of the auto-tracking settings discussed below can result in a series of SMS messages between the tracking device and the owner’s phone - this can have significant cost implications.

If you want to operate the device in this way, it is definitely recommended to use the service provider's software tracking service, which provides these functions - regardless of the frequency and amount of data transmissions - for a fixed monthly fee.

Function Description SMS message Device response
Send position data at specified intervals, in specified quantities. The device sends position messages every XXX seconds until you cancel the command. The value of the quantity (YYY) parameter can be up to 255.


For example: fix030s005n123456

Position data
Send position data at specified intervals, without quantity limit. A készülék XXX másodpercenként YYY darab pozíció üzenetet küld. Az XXX időintervallum minimum 20 másodperc lehet.


For example: fix030s***n123456

Position data
Sending position data depending on the distance traveled. The device can be set to send position data automatically after each distance unit traveled. The device continuously sends the position data until the command is canceled.

Before sending the command, set the device to “Send position data at specified intervals without quantity limit” mode (see previous point).

distance123456 <distance in meters>
Például: distance123456 0050 (send 
position data in every 50 meters).

Position data
Turning off auto-tracking Disable any of the above automatic tracking settings.



Interception of the environment (sound monitoring)

The device has a built-in microphone and data storage on an SD card. Ambient noise and sounds listened to with the help of a microphone can be recorded on the card in the form of a sound recording. You can listen to the recordings by moving the card to your phone or computer. The device is set to tracking mode at the factory.

Function Description SMS message Device response
Activate monitoring mode Turn on recording. The trace is then paused and the device is switched on for approx. It records sounds that can be heard around 5 meters.


Deactivate monitoring mode Turn off recording, return to tracking mode.



Low battery voltage alarm

Description SMS message Device response
You can set an alarm in case the battery level drops too low. When turned on, the device sends 2 alarms at 15-minute intervals when the device battery voltage is approx. It drops below 3.5V. The setting is activated by factory default.

Turning on: lowbattery123456 on
Content of the alarm message: „Low battery <vehicle position>”.

Turning off: lowbattery123456 off


Satellite connection loss alarm

Description SMS message Device response

You can set the device to send an alert to the administrator phones if the satellite connection is lost. The alarm is switched off at the factory.

Turning on: gpssignal123456 on
Content of the alarm message: „No gps <vehicle position>”.  

Turning off: gpssignal123456 off


Move alarm

Description SMS message Device response
If the device (vehicle) has been stationary for 3-10 minutes and the device is connected to the satellite network, you can set it to send an alarm to the administrator phones when it moves.

Turning on: move123456 XXXX
where XXXX = displacement in meters.  

For example: move123456 0100 in case of device alarm
sends if the amount of displacement exceeded 100 meters.

The content of the alarm message: "Move <vehicle position>".

Turning off: nomovel123456


Speed alarm

Description SMS message Device response
You can set the device to send an SMS alert if the vehicle speed exceeds the specified limit. The speed limit must be entered in the form XXX, if less than 100, the leading zero must also be written (eg 070).

Turning on: speed123456 sebességhatár

For example: speed123456 070

A riasztó üzenet tartalma: „Speed 70! <vehicle position>”

Turning off: nospeed123456


Sleep and Standby Modes

The device can operate in sleep and standby modes. Sleep mode saves energy, so operating time can be significantly increased.

A készenléti üzemmód állapotai
Mode Description Conditions of use Operating time
Always awake The GSM network connection is active, other functions of the device are switched on or off as required. Continuous, real-time tracking. 25 days
Sleep mode based on vibration detection The GSM network connection is inactive if the device is not in motion and no call or SMS is received. Sleep mode in still position, wake-up and follow-up movement. 93 days
Sleep mode based on time The GSM network connection works in energy saving mode, the device can be woken up by SMS or call. It wakes up again 3 minutes after waking up. The device only needs to be tracked occasionally. 93 days
“Deep” sleep mode based on vibration detection The GSM network connection stops, the device only wakes up to vibration. Tracking on the go only. 2,4 years
Scheduled The device only wakes up at specified times. Scheduled tracking. 3 years
“Deep” sleep mode based on vibration detection and scheduling The device wakes up to vibration or only at specified times. Scheduled or vibration-activated tracking. 2,4 years
Funtion SMS message Device response
Always set to awake mode

Turning on: sleep123456 off

„Sleep off OK”
Sleep mode based on vibration detection

Turning on: sleep123456 shock

„Sleep shock OK”
Sleep mode based on time

Turning on: sleep123456 time

„Sleep time OK”
“Deep” sleep mode based on vibration detection

Turning on: sleep123456 deepshock

„Sleep deepshock OK”

Turning on: schedule123456 X where the device wakes up at X intervals.
Examples of setting a period:
  * X = 1h – the device wakes up every hour.
  * X = 1h; 30m – the device wakes up every hour and a half.
  * X = 2d; 5h; 45m – the device wakes up every 2 days, 5 hours and 45 minutes.

An alarm setting can wake up the device. The value of X is max. It could be 30 days. The schedule can be turned off in the wake state by sending a noschedule123456 message.

„Sleep schedule OK”
“Deep” sleep mode based on vibration detection and scheduling

Turning on: sleep123456 schedule X
The value of X can be entered according to the previous point.

„Sleep schedule OK”

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