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Acronims, abbreviations

Acronim, abbreviation Description
APN The APN (Access Point Name) defines the network path for all mobile data network connections. You can connect to the Internet through your mobile service provider's network by setting APN settings.
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility. The field of science of electrically operated devices that deals with electromagnetic disturbances and their prevention. Within the EU, manufacturers and distributors of electronic devices are required to carry out an EMC test to verify that the device does not generate more electromagnetic interference to its environment. The CE marking may be affixed to equipment which has passed the test, provided that it also complies with other specified standards.
FCC The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is an independent agency of the United States government established to regulate interstate radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable communications.
GPS GPS (Global Positioning System) is a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) developed and operated by the United States Department of Defense to provide three-dimensional positioning on land, water, or air. Its accuracy is typically on the order of meters. Positioning is done using satellites with which the GPS receiver in your device (phone, tracker, etc.) communicates. GPS, like many other technologies, was developed for military purposes, but is now widely used in many areas of civilian life.
GPRS GPRS - General Packet Radio Service - is a mobile data transmission technology (similar to 3G or 4G). This technology is an older version, which is why it can only transfer data more slowly.
GSM GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications, originally Groupe Special Mobile) is a standard developed by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) to describe the operating rules of networks used by mobile phones. In the technical language, but often also in the common language, we use this acronym to denote mobile service providers and their networks.
IP-address An Internet Protocol (IP) address is a unique network identifier used to identify computers that communicate using the Internet Protocol. Every computer connected to the Internet has an IP address. Computers that use the Internet provide their IP address during each transaction (for example, when viewing a web page), which in principle allows the machine to be identified.
LBS LBS (Location-Based Service) is a positioning method that calculates the current position from the position of the transmission towers of GSM service providers instead of satellites. The obtained result is approximate, it can differ from the actual one by 10-100 meters.
MCC/MNC Mobile Country Code: The mobile country code is three digits and the mobile network code is two or three digits. The first digit of the mobile country code identifies the geographic region as follows (digits 1 and 8 are not used):

  • 0: Reserved for testing purposes
  • 2: Europe
  • 3: North America and the Caribbean
  • 4: Asia and the Middle East
  • 5: Australia and Oceania
  • 6: Africa
  • 7: South and Central America
  • 9: Worldwide (satellite, air - ship, sea - ship, Antarctica)

MCC is used with MNC (a combination called “MCC / MNC code”) by a mobile network operator (service provider) using GSM (including GSM-R), UMTS, LTE and 5G unique identification.

For example, the MCC code of Hungary is 216, and the MNC codes of the main mobile operators are:

  • Telenor: 01
  • DIGI: 03
  • Telecom: 30
  • Vodafone: 70
  • UPC: 71
  • MAV GSM-R: 99

Based on the above, for example, the MCC / MNC code of the Hungarian Telekom network is 21630.

See also: MCC/MNC codes, Europe

SD card An SD (Secure Card) memory card is a portable digital storage device with a card-like shape (similar to a SIM card). Key features: portability, energy-free data retention, small size, multiple writability. Most common uses: digital cameras, tablets, phones, smartphones, cameras, MP3 players, video game consoles.
SMS SMS (Short Message Service) is the name of a service that delivers a short message with a specified number of characters sent by a mobile phone.
TF card The TF (Trans-Flash) memory card is the predecessor of the SD card. TF and SD cards are the same size and specification, and both cards are fully compatible with each other - they can be used in place of each other. SD cards, on the other hand, support SDIO mode, which means they can perform non-memory tasks such as Bluetooth, GPS, and nearby communication. TF cards cannot do this.
WIFI Wifi (Wi-Fi, Wifi, or wifi) is a popular name for a widely used standard that implements wireless microwave communication (IEEE 802.11). Wi-Fi, as opposed to popular beliefs, is not an abbreviation for the English term Wireless Fidelity - the name was coined by a marketing company playfully referring to the word Hi-Fi / hifi.

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